Madonna was just one of the bigger names inducted into this year's Class of 2008 edition of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. But instead of singing live like most of the other inductees (at least the ones still among us), she allowed none other than Iggy Pop to interpret a couple of her songs during the live ceremony Monday night. But...why Iggy Pop?! Was Weird Al Yankovic not available?!
Lucky Star
After an extreeeeeemely lengthy introduction by Justin Timberlake, Madonna approached the podium and offered up and exreeeeeeeemely lengthy recap of her rock and roll career (ehem). She looked fantastic, but she must've decided that she didn't want to let them see her sweat, so instead of performing any one of her many, many classic rock and roll hits (ehem), she chose instead to sit down front and center alongside Justin and her manager and allow true rock and roll legend Iggy Pop to sing for her. And his choice of Madonna tunes? Ray of Light. How appropriate! (sample lyric: "She's got herself a universe...she's got herself a universe.....") Then again, maybe that IS appropriate.
"Keep It Together, Justin"
"Check, please!"
This had to be one of the weirdest, most awkward moments in rock and roll history ever televised. Even the unflappable Clive Davis looked stunned as a shirtless Iggy jumped down from the stage and tried to motivate the room full of music industry movers and shakers. Only this crowd wasn't moving or shaking.
"Feel the music!", Iggy shouted to the crowd...."Feel Something!"
My skin is still crawling.
Rescue Me
After the performance, the cameras followed Iggy backstage, where he introduced a stunned and awkward Madonna to members of his band, followed by a brief photo op. Pro that she is, Madonna put on her best game face and struck a provocative pose, anyway.
Meanwhile on stage, John Mellencamp graciously accepted his award and proceeded to wow the crowd with a nice set of three songs.....all sung by John Mellencamp.
Express Yourself