The Boston D Party
The All New JFK
This week brought us the Democratic National Convention from Boston Mass., where John Forbes Kerry was officially nominated to be the Democratic party's Head Honcho for the next four years.
The challenge was to make the wooden, un-charismatic politician to be more open, more presidential, and uh, less wooden.
After ringing endorsement after ringing endorsement throughout the week from everyone from...everyone in the Democratic party, Kerry finally faced the nation on Thursday evening.
"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty," Kerry declared.
"America can do better, and help is on the way," Kerry said many times throughout his acceptance speech that officially launched the final leg of the amazing race to the White House.
Kerry:"I Could Have
Danced All Night!"
Kerry declared the American flag doesn't "belong to any president. It doesn't belong to any ideology and it doesn't belong to any political party. It belongs to all the American people."
The Democratic challenger's speech capped a four-day convention designed to persuade millions of undecided voters that he is a man tested by war and ready to assume command.
Personally, I have zero interest in politics. I think the two party system is designed to be unproductive and is mainly in place to give politicians cushy jobs. But, my personal feelings aside, I was very impressed with Kerry's speech. I think he showed what he needed to show and said what he needed to say for the American people to realize that there's an actual person behind the politics.
And Bush's reaction to Kerry's speech.....
Let the race begin!