Saturday, July 08, 2006

Words Of The Day

Official Slang Words

This week Google officially became a verb. 'To google', or to 'be googled' is now part of the lexicon of words that have been deemed by Merriam-Webster as needing a definition for their latest edition.

In addition to the lowercase google, we can now look up definitions for words we already know how to spell, such as unibrow, spyware, himbo, soul patch (aren't those two words?!) and mouse potato (actually, Dan Quayle might appreciate the entry for that one).

Word Is, Yahoo's Extremely Jealous

In case you don't have a dictionary handy (does anybody really use those things anymore, now that is at the disposal of all of us who don't know how to spell?) here's a quick rundown of some of the new words:

Soul Patch (noun) sool-pach: that outdated clump of facial hair that old guys wear to make themselves look hip

Unibrow (noun) you-nee-brou: the clump of hair between the eyebrows that present day society has deemed as hideous and must be plucked

Himbo (noun) him-bo: the ability to be good-looking and empty-headed at the same time

And as much as we'd love to see 'Irioti' - the acronym for I Read It On The Internet - be nominated for Word of the Year, here's a few words we'd like to submit to the lexicographers for next year:

Squidchops (noun) skwid-chaups: another word for jowls, or anyone who resembles Davey Jones from the new movie 'Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest', now playing at a theater near you

Dickwads (noun) dik-wods: the official name for pet owners who insist on dressing up their poor, defenseless animals in stupid costumes

Decider (noun) dee-si-der: Now that our president has deemed himself as such, we feel it's only fair to have the word be recognized as an actual, legitimate word for the rest of us
....but keep in mind....he's still 'The Decider'!

Who knows, maybe next year, Merriam-Webster will officially recognize nucular as a word....since our president stubbornly continues to believe that it already is one.


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